BBInsertBar 0.1.5 issues with FF
Well, I installed the extension in my blog and if I used Firefox and clicked "HTML\BBCODE" (In my case, I've disabled BBcode ATM but the same thing happens with or without BBCode) and click buttons like Bold, Italic, Underline and Strike, it just adds the letter next to the button while it works perfectly in Internet Explorer's case.
Any idea?
Any idea?
Failing that, would you be willing to zip up your entire Vanilla directory so I can take a look at it locally?
Just looking quickly, UserInfo (which is MooTools based IIRC) is throwing an error, so try disabling that and MooTools - then see if things improve. I don't have time to look more thoroughly I'm afraid.
@abrody, you should start by reading through the docs and then starting a new discussion if you need more help.
You're not going to like this suggestion, but if I were you, I would disable EVERYTHING barring the HTML formatter and BBInsertBar. Check to see if it works then. If it doesn't, then something *REALLY* strange is going on, and I'd disable both plugins, uninstall them, re-download, reinstall and re-enable them and test again, hopefully by that point they should be working.
Here are the javascripts that show up in the source for existing discussions but not in the source for a new discussion I bet you it is one of these. So try disabling those first before you turn EVERYTHING off.