VanillaForums vs. Own Install

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Lately I've been pretty drawn to try out Vanilla since it's been growing pretty fast lately and has looked a lot better since it was first started, but I'm not sure whether I should install my own copy or use to start my site again.

It seems that is still pretty limited in how it can be used mainly due to the upgrades that need to be payed for. Are there going to be any more designs added that we can use other than the standard Vanilla 2 theme?


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Hi josh!

    I'm glad to hear you've been enticed to try Vanilla.

    We've been pretty focused on feature development and stamping out bugs, so the themes side of things has lagged behind a little. That said, with Brendan on-board we hope to start cranking out some really cool themes pretty soon.

    Stay tuned!

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • As with any hosted forum, you don't have nearly as much control as you have with your own install. So it's just a matter of wanting to put forward the money for the upgrades and such.
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