Similarities between Vanilla and Facebook structure

RaizeRaize ✭✭
edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
For anyone who needs proof that Vanilla is the most advanced forum software on the market, take a look at the following url. You must be familiar with Vanilla 1 to see the resemblance, but take a look at the following fb fan page (now known as a "like" page lol don't get me started). Anyways, the tab structure and the functionality (even the fonts) are very very similar to how V 1 is laid out. All you need to adjust is the CSS color scheme, and you could probably make it very similar to this. In fact, I think that theres a theme for V 1 that's already based on the fb style. Vanilla is obviously very effective

Here's an example:


  • How does it make it "the most advanced forum software on the market"? By having similar tabs to Facebook?
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    Yea, because Facebook pays it's engineers millions of dollars to design that stuff.
  • It's not the "most advanced forum", I think it's just cooler than the others. 8D
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