Add your comments box only on LAST page??

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Just noticed that the 'Add your comments' box only appears on the last page rather than at the bottom of all the pages. I was a bit confused at first, without thinking I just expect it to be at the bottom regardless.

Is there any way to make it appear on all pages?



  • Are you using Vanilla 1?

    If so you will want to install the AddCommentBox plugin/extension.

    P.S. there's a minor bug with this addon that stops it from working with the current version of Vanilla 1. Until the author updates with the posted fix, you can just create a directory in /extensions/ named AddCommentBox, create a text document with the follow contents:
    Extension Name: AddCommentBox
    Extension Url:
    Description: Adds the "Add Comments" form to every page of a discussion. Respects the status of a discussion now and will not add form to closed discussions unless the permission is there to do so.
    Version: 1.3
    Author: Adrian Palmer - with thanks to Etsy (
    Author Url:
    if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('comments.php', 'post.php'))) {

    // 1. Make sure that the form gets displayed if necessary

    // Attach to the Constructor Delegate of the CommentGrid control
    function CommentGrid_ShowCommentForm(&$CommentGrid){

    if($CommentGrid->Context->Session->UserID > 0 && ( ( !$CommentGrid->Discussion->Closed && $CommentGrid->Discussion->Active ) || $CommentGrid->Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_ADD_COMMENTS_TO_CLOSED_DISCUSSION')) && $CommentGrid->CommentData && $CommentGrid->Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_ADD_COMMENTS') )
    $CommentGrid->ShowForm = 1;


    And then name the text document default.php
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