Styles not updating

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey there, new to the forums, new to vanilla, loving it *a lot* :D I'm setting up a forum and am having difficulty styling it. I've set up the style and can get it to display for the administrator. When I sign out, the sign in page is styled correctly but then when I log in as a different user, the style is still displaying the default Vanilla style? I thought perhaps it was caching but it doesn't appear to be... Any thoughts? I'm using the Soulscape blue style. Thanks in advance!


  • i believe if you change the default style the users current styles will stay the same - the user would have to go and set the style to the new one. Try making a new user account now you've set the default style and see if it uses the new one or not.
  • i've set it so the user can't actually change their style -- so does that mean any users that were using the vanilla style won't be set to the new style even if the only place to set the style is in the admin area? that seems really weird to me...
  • further to this... I have just discovered the administrator isn't using the new style either. The only way I can see the new style taking effect is if I sign out, the guest is seeing it how it should look. It seems odd that I would need to created a new administrator and recreate all the users just to get them all seeing things how they should be looking. I gotta be doing somethin' wrong!
  • seems the way to get it to display for everyone is to rename the style directory you want to be the default to "vanilla".
  • um. I'm getting some deja vu here. Something very similar has discussed this recently. I am pretty sure that new users will have the new style but old ones will be stuck on the default. Which has its reasons (if they could select their own style it'd piss them off when you reset it otherwise), but it should be made to reset everyone who is using the default and leave those who arent. I'm not sure if how its doing it is the 'correct' behaviour - i dont think you're doing anything wrong, but whether its actions are a bug or by design i'm not 100% sure. The only suggestion i can come up with in the meantime is just to rename the vanilla css to something else and name yours to vanilla (or whatever) I think we need mark or someone over here to say for sure whether it's acting wierdly or not though.
  • cool. just to be clear i don't want users setting their own stylesheets, so the only place a style can be applied is from within the administrators control panel.
  • yeah i know. And in your case whatever you set as the default should be the stylesheet everyone sees. I was just saying that in the case where users can select their own stylesheet, if when the admin changed the default it reset everones it'd annoy them, but the software should do a check for those users still on the default and transfer them onto the new default, leaving the old ones intact. If something along these lines isnt on the wiki could you add it up? :)
  • erm. i dunno :) i'm a bit too new to be posting anything on a feature request list :)
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