Error fin

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

After my Host changed to a new platform I get the following error when trying to log in:

Error Message
An error occurred while attempting to find your user acount
Affected Elements
The error occurred on or near: Table 'vbgjengenforum.LUM_User' doesn't exist

I have checked and the LUM_User tabel still have all useraccounts, so I guess this related to some setup settings?
We also had some issues geting the signup form to show up. (people.php)

But after adding the following lines to the settings file (under Conf dir.)

$Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'] = '\\\\winser01\\home\\users\\web\\12\\user.acc\\forum\\';
$Configuration['DATABASE_PATH'] = '\\\\winser01\\home\\users\\web\\12\\user.acc\\forum\\conf\\database.php';
$Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '\\\\winser01\\home\\users\\web\\12\\user.acc\\forum\\library\\';
$Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH'] = '\\\\winser01\\home\\users\\web\\12\\user.acc\\forum\\extensions';
$Configuration['LANGUAGES_PATH'] = '\\\\winser01\\home\\users\\web\\12\\user.acc\\forum\\languages\\';

We get up the sign up form. Could this be related to the problem I know experience with the LUM_User tabel?

Any help would be apreciated.



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