I have the same question can anyone please help. The instructions given is not complete and I have searched everywhere. My issue is when uploaded to the server and when trying to run the installer I only get a No input file specified page and everything i tried doing doesn't work. I tried running the forum on a shared hostd server and also on a VPS server and nothing just the same. Please help?
this is what i have done so far...fwiw, i have 1and1 hosting 0.5 created a folder called forum 1. uploaded everything into the forum folder 2. added AddType x-mapp-php5 .php to the .htaccess file and moved the .htaccess file to my root directory 3. changed permissions to 777 on config, uploads and cache 4. navigated to www.mywebsitehere.com/forum 5. received either an Error 404 or 500 depending on which way the wind is blowing. 6. read the internet looking for a clue. 7. gave up and decided to try posting here
I just installed Vanilla 2 RC1. I had an issue, first I only got error 500, this was random permission issues. The apache logs pointed out what files had too broad permissions.
Secondly, no matter what page I was on, I could only see the discussions page, not even the log in pop up would populate. I found it was something with the regular expression in class.request.php I hacked it to this in function _ParseRequest: $Expression = '/^'.str_replace('/', '\/', $this->_EnvironmentElement('Folder')).'(?:'.$this->_EnvironmentElement('Script').')?\/?(.*?)\/?(?:[#?].*)?$/i'; $temp = trim($this->_EnvironmentElement('URI'),'/'); if(strpos($temp,"dashboard")){ $mymatch=substr($temp,17); }else $mymatch=substr($temp,7); // if (preg_match($Expression, $temp, $Match)){ if ($mymatch){ // $this->Path($Match[1]); $this->Path($mymatch); }else $this->Path('');
I'm not a coder and when I dabble it isn't pretty (see above!), so I'm just submitting the information for someone to have a look at the regex.
No matter what i do I get the same results ("No input file specified page")! I tried every method mentioned her and on the net with no resolution. I would like to try vanilla forum and from what I see here I would like to use it for the long run and even incorporate it into my existing site. Can anyone help please if there is a new method/way to install or even someone can make a "How to install vanilla forum 2 for dummies" I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance....
0.5 created a folder called forum
1. uploaded everything into the forum folder
2. added AddType x-mapp-php5 .php to the .htaccess file and moved the .htaccess file to my root directory
3. changed permissions to 777 on config, uploads and cache
4. navigated to www.mywebsitehere.com/forum
5. received either an Error 404 or 500 depending on which way the wind is blowing.
6. read the internet looking for a clue.
7. gave up and decided to try posting here
I had an issue, first I only got error 500, this was random permission issues. The apache logs pointed out what files had too broad permissions.
Secondly, no matter what page I was on, I could only see the discussions page, not even the log in pop up would populate. I found it was something with the regular expression in class.request.php
I hacked it to this in function _ParseRequest:
$Expression = '/^'.str_replace('/', '\/', $this->_EnvironmentElement('Folder')).'(?:'.$this->_EnvironmentElement('Script').')?\/?(.*?)\/?(?:[#?].*)?$/i';
$temp = trim($this->_EnvironmentElement('URI'),'/');
}else $mymatch=substr($temp,7);
// if (preg_match($Expression, $temp, $Match)){
if ($mymatch){
// $this->Path($Match[1]);
I'm not a coder and when I dabble it isn't pretty (see above!), so I'm just submitting the information for someone to have a look at the regex.
Again Thanks in advance...