discussion regarding addons and application plugins

edited May 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
considering vanilla is going to support multiple applications, i'm assuming these applications will also have the ability to have plugins just as vanilla forums. Therefore, adding in the about.php page for plugins for what application the plugin is intended to be used on would be a great proactive move for the future.

also, the addons page "http://vanillaforums.org/addons" should inform you that ABC plugin is intended for the CMS application and is shown to be compatible with version v2.3 etc etc.. A user trying to install a plugin for the CMS application, but doesn't have that application installed should be 1. informed of this and 2. be asked if they would like to install the missing application.

ideas and comments are welcome.


  • There's loads of stuff like this that needs to be added to the Addons site, but I'd imagine it's very much on the back burner until Vanilla 2 goes gold.

    I agree by the way :)
  • thanks for the reply and kind words stash
  • @[-Stash-], doesn't this also belong in the plugin framework? Atm you can already specify dependency (without versioning :/) on other plugins.
  • @Dykam, you're probably right. Actually, you're completely right. The information for requirements and *possibly* even conflicts should be put into the addon framework. This would then enable the author to only have to enter it once. The addons site should then READ the main plugin file, find this information and make it nicely readable.

    If we ever get some fancy in-garden addon installation (like Wordpress) then this information could be used to automatically install dependencies as well (like linux package managers). That's probably a LONG time down the road though.
  • That would be great, I'll have some thoughts about this.
  • thanks @Dykam

  • edited May 2010
    Let's see... we need package management. Over the web. I assume Ajax will suit.

    We need repositories, I think these exposing a REST API would be good. This would enable interaction also via PHP.

    To be continued...
  • I'm highjacking this topic to throw in some ideas and rants ;)

    Possible REST api, includes a possible naming scheme, extra comments inside the pasty: http://pastebin.com/g5CUKmRL

    Edit as you like and paste the changed pasty here.
  • @Dykam No idea what that file means but see WhosOnline and it makes me happy :P
  • might as well add in Themes @Dykam ... latest version of the theme, the dependency etc etc.
  • edited May 2010
    Updated it a bit: http://pastebin.com/9aauzbaB
    The pasty is a bit cryptic indeed :P Basically the stuff on the bottom is the paths which access what, hierarchically. The stuff between the < and the > is to be replaced. To download Who's Online V3.5.3, you go to:

    @bobtheman, yah, but you coudl that yourself too, have to go now, I'll take a look tomorrow. (Though it's basically adding theme to the plugin|app and etc.
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