Is this even possible?

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I was thinking about the possibility of making an e-mail service that was a lot like Gmail or Hotmail or such.

It would be your usual e-mail service, except you'd get a nice AJAXy interface like Google and you'd get a decent amount of storage.

The only difference is, instead of using the website name of the service, (like,,, etc), anyone who owned a website could allow others to use their for example, mark could submit his domain and then those who got an invite could use a address, or I could submit my website, and those who got an invite could use a address.

Is this even possible? I'm trying to figure out why it hasn't already been seems to be a pretty decent idea.


  • An even better idea would be a nice web-based imap or pop3 client, that would use the email server you already have.
  • Actually, that would be an option, but I think it would also be smart to have it hosted so that those without a server could use it. You know, you could just register a domain and use it without worrying about getting a server.

    But I was mainly wondering if it is even possible to do this. I mean, if I have my own domain hosted on another server, can I actually be sending and receiving e-mail through that domain on another totally seperate server?
  • gmail already offers 2.6+ gigs of storage and you can use your own domain with it. and as far as a good interface for an imap server, try
  • Wow, you can use your own domain with g-mail? I had no idea. How?
  • I must admit i never knew that. I was gonna say that it wouldnt be easy since your domain has mx records to point to a particular server - in which case it wouldnt be possible for someone to submit their domain for general use *and* use it for their own email on their own server at the same time. If *they* were also gonna use your service then yeah that'd work just as easily as any other online email service.
  • go into your account settings and add another email address. make sure your language settings are set to 'english - us' though!
  • I just installed that redcube thing on my server and i must say its rather tasty. I cant wait for some further development (and hopefully some personalised css coming my way)
  • I wouldn't allow anybody except friends or relatives (or employees, students, etc) to use a domain name I "own" for legal problems and the very bad reputation that could be associated to my site if they began to go wild (spam, rude speaking and so on)
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