Block discussion

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Blocking particular categories from the discussions page is handy, but there are occassions where I don't want to block an entire category, perhaps just hide a few of the discussions that come up. I know you can ignore them easily enough but i'd say it would be a good feature.

There's many times when i'll read a thread when I see it for the first time and know that it's unlikely i'll go back to read any new comments.


  • Yeah per-user blocking of discussions would be handy, I think it's been mentioned before here though.
  • perhaps turning the block user function into a dual use, not just to toggle their messages to plain text, but to block any discussions started by those users. Just a thought.
  • is this sort of thing any easier to implement in 0.9.3 anyone know?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    yes, much.
  • cool. im no good at php unfortunatley. but hopefully some kind programmer will take a look at this as a possible extension. ;-)
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