is vanilla a section 508 compliance forum ?

edited May 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
We are wokring on a project where we need a forum based social networking site, where users can communicate ideas with designated moderators. There will be 2 classes of users. Basic and administrator. Basic will have access to post questions, administrator can reply to posted questions and delete questions. Site will include about 10 other information pages that will consist of the main web site. ie: home, about the program, what we do, etc.

Must be a section 508 compliant. Is vanilla a section 508 compliance forum ?


  • I used a validation tool just on the homepage and it came with one small error that said it is missing one label. Apart from that the page passed, i suggest using one of the many free tools on the internet for checking section 508 to try and several pages and you can decide if it is compliant enough for you.
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