WIP: Niagra

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I started making another style for Vanilla last night.

If anyone would like to try it out and tell me what they think?
I'm not much a fan of dark styles so I don't know what people'd like.

Just set it as your custom style.


  • looking nice, however that header space is a bit, big, wouldn't you say? the little/big input button needs some tweaking and the whisper color could use something other than pink. However overall it looks fantastic. Keep it up!
  • I'm liking it! Although it could do with a bit of tweaking to the colour scheme like lech suggested. Try softening the colours a little bit so that it blends in well with the grey, pink is a bit... um... wrong. Keep up the good work, really nice theme you have here. :)
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