Installing Vanilla 2 setup - database tables error problem

edited May 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
This has actually been resolved, although I felt it were necessary to post the problem and solution I ran into.

When upgrading, or potentially even first install of vanilla 2, I got an error that the database tables did not support "Full Text".

Upon a bit more research, I found that this is because my database used INNODB as the default engine, where only MYISAM supports the full text headers.

You can delete your schema, if losing the data is not a problem, and set your database to use MYISAM as the default storage engine. Note this will take a restart of the database.

Otherwise, you can change each table that was giving an error to MYISAM individually. The easiest way to do this in my opinion is MYSQL workbench.
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