Vanilla 2 in action: (yeah, just showin it off) ^^
Just wanted to get some feedback from other designers to my implementation of Vanilla into my own website and Idea.
This site is running on a virtual machine, so may be a bit slow/ offline at times.
I used the theme from the vanilla site and have been modifying it.
Thanks vanilla for your great and easy to implement product !!!
This site is running on a virtual machine, so may be a bit slow/ offline at times.
I used the theme from the vanilla site and have been modifying it.
Thanks vanilla for your great and easy to implement product !!!
Unfortunately, it timed out for me, wouldn't even load at all!
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Our Community's new site is also built on Vanilla 2:
And sorry for the timeout guys, since I am developing on a virtual machine until I replace the power supply for the server that recently fried.
I did not see any immediate replies and figured that no one cared about a half developed website ^^, so I quit leaving it online.
However since I have seen other interest, I will be sure to leave it running for you guys
And yes, that is just it, I intended to get some mixed reactions to that domain name
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
I will be sure to modify it many times over before the project is 'complete'.
Thanks for the encouragement, I'll be sure to let you guys know how my progress goes on planned add-ons and applications.