spam settings in v2

edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I think there needs to be some simple spam prevention methods in v2 on the spam settings page.

If a post contains more than X links, hold for moderation.
If a user with less than 3 posts, posts a discussion with X links hold for moderation
Black List .. collection of common spam links or something. If a post contains a word on the black list the post is marked as spam.

something would be better than nothing.


  • Some easyish plugins right there to write. Problem is there is no moderation queue in vanilla implemented. But that could be done.
  • holding post for moderation isnt a must, i actually dont like posts to be held for moderation. But there has to be some form of basic spam prevention out of the box.
  • There is in the form of comment throttling. So it blocks you from posting discussions too fast. I think this limit can be changed too in the dashboard.
  • The last comment from @Tom123456 shows nicely, that the SPAM capability in Vanilla 2 should be improved ;-)

    What I do not understand is, that you guys (@Mark?) have not enabled the Captcha-Method for your own forum? This is kinda... careless.
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