@bobtheman You are not correct understand me. lesscss.org it is not "my theme" (site, tool). Read about http://lesscss.org/docs I just said that it very hard to me make actual changes to css files which take place from update to update Beta -> RC -> Next Version. I just suggest to vanilla team use LESS tool, i think it is may be usefull: style.css and admin.css has many repeated things...
You can fork the RC branch http://github.com/vanillaforums/Garden/tree/rc and incorporate your ideas for review. If its well liked than it could be merged into the master branch depending on its popularity and usability. I would suggest explaining how this would benefit vanilla over the current setup. This unfortunately is not my expertise, Vanilla developers comments and ideas would hold more weight. Someone like @digibomb
How are you allowing guests to post like that? is that an addon i've overlooked?
You are not correct understand me. lesscss.org it is not "my theme" (site, tool).
Read about http://lesscss.org/docs
I just said that it very hard to me make actual changes to css files which take place from update to update Beta -> RC -> Next Version.
I just suggest to vanilla team use LESS tool, i think it is may be usefull: style.css and admin.css has many repeated things...
and incorporate your ideas for review. If its well liked than it could be merged into the master branch depending on its popularity and usability. I would suggest explaining how this would benefit vanilla over the current setup. This unfortunately is not my expertise, Vanilla developers comments and ideas would hold more weight. Someone like @digibomb
PHP LESS compiler here - http://github.com/leafo/lessphp