No more Firefox for me...

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Yep, as much as I might like different features of it, it simply is slower than Internet Explorer and it hogs too many damn resources.

I'm kinda sad.


  • Whoa, wait, what the hell are you smoking?! and please god all might don't tell me you're going back to IE or else I'm going to have to hunt you down and hit you in the head with a keyboard. I'm betting you're probably using one too many extensions.
  • I find Firefox slower than Safari, but faster than IE on a windows machine. I think Lech could be right. Do you have many extensions running? What else do you have running with FireFox? They could all be factors.
  • I have 8 ff windows open with about 6 tabs each and have done for a couple of weeks and its only just starting to get noticably slower than i'd like it to be...
  • that would be 8*6=48 ie windows! i dont even want to think of it...
  • On windows firefox was immeasurably quicker than IE, however, on Mac firefox can't touch safari. Do a clean install and see if that does the trick.
  • After bothering counting, flx, i have 30. But i still wouldnt want to think of it... Back when i still used IE i longed for the multi desktop feature of kde/gnome so i could have one desktop for browsing, one for msn, etc. Then i found tabs and the world is a better place.
  • Heh, I remember an old ATI card my brother had allowed for "scrolling" of the desktop area under a single monitor as if it were several monitor spaces in one. It was a fairly nifty feature. However, Mini, if you own a nVidia card, there is a multi-desktop feature (ala *nix desktops) in the driver settings. I don't personally use it, but I'm told it's fairly invaluable to others who are used to that kind of environment.
  • or you can simply use the microsoft virtual desktop manager... jesusphreak > never tried Opera?
  • I only ever have one Ff window, but cram it full of about 30 tabs.
  • virtual desktop manager? What? Yeah lech - i've seen it but ...meh. Tabs work for me. I dont like using too many in one window though - i like to get a bit of the title of the page so i know which is which. I also use them to group stuff.
  • It makes me sad, but I have started to notice FF taking more and more resources, gone are the days of FF 0.9, at the moment I have just restarted my computer at work, I have only FF open and three tabs on it and it already takes 44KB memory and 40KB of Virtual Memory, usually when I have more programs open like Photoshop that can usually take around 300KB memory and up to 500KB vMemory killing FF really helps. But then again, I really think that any browser would have similar problem, so meh, I don't bother.
  • 44kb of memory? honestly, if you have at least 512 mb of memory running under a decent cpu and it takes less than 5 seconds for the app to start up and you're complaining, you're spoiled. Honestly, I can see if there's a problem where it takes more than a couple of seconds between tab switches. It's not the most perfect software, that's a given, but it works :) With all the features and extensions firefox offers, it's no suprise it leaves a fairly large footprint in memory and swap space. I'm sure if you could truely gague how big of a footprint IE uses, in addition to it's embedded components you might be suprised. The only reason you don't see a hit is because it's running from the time you boot up your machine :/
  • I don't use IE because my IE is full of some porn popups and shit like that, and the strange thing is that I haven't opened it once since I made a clean install on this comp.
  • In a foolish mood I once tried to delete IE from my computer compleletely... but it's still there... and I get this mad thing where sometimes when I open it, it forces a tab to popup in Firefox, which then launches a download dialog for some mad system cleaner... scary!
  • 3stripe, RUN! You have unleashed the fiery depths of HELL!
  • It is possible to delete IE, but it's a lot of effort, and you need it for windows updates etc.
  • launching some Help depending on applications also ... I use FF and it's pretty slow on startup with one of my computer (256MB of Ram, old system HD), no problem with another more recent. But it's loaded with many extensions (I should consider using 2 or more profiles) so I can't really compare with the old crappy simple fast IE or the way faster free Opera 8.5. A program exists that pre-load FF in memory. The boot is 3 seconds longer of course, but FF then appears instantaneously. Not to be used with less than 384MB I think
  • firefox, schhhhmirefox. it loads ok for me, and isn't made by microsoft. that's enough for me.
  • ff 1.5rc1 on mac is awesome. hands down.

    i just put xp on a spare hard drive for my work laptop, and i only used ie to download firefox. i found that amusing.
  • 1.5 is nice, but too buggy atm. FF does take up more resources than I'd like but its wtill better than IE. IE blows in soo many ways. If FF is getting sluggish drop your bazillions of extensions (which is the cause 98% of the time when the "Im dropping FF" topic goes up). Or try a new profile, still slim down on the extensions if you can (if you have any.). Or try a reinstall. Make sure you delete the FF folders. Usually, making a new profile fixes everything.
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