Bonk on post and view post

After getting past errors on installation, I'm having more problems. When starting discussion, I get the Bonk error, but it still creates the discussion. But I can't view it at all because the Bonk error comes up again when trying to view the discussion. Everything else is working fine. I've tried adding the $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php'; line to my config file with no luck.

My server is running at least the minimum that Vanilla requires: PHP 5.2.6, MySQL 5, PDO, etc.

Any ideas?


  • What I mean by "with no luck" is that I'm still getting the Bonk error, and I read that that error should disappear when adding that line to the config file.
  • @Ellie: I experienced that one receives the Bonk even with 'deverror.master.php' when the application cannot locate the referred discussion/comment.

    This happend for me when I tried accessing a deleted comment. So for you, I'd recommend to check if there is really any data in the database?
  • edited June 2010
    I checked the Discussion table and there is data in it... Thank you for your suggestion.

    I'm going to try reinstalling and see if that helps.
  • I found out that I was running RC1, so I upgraded to RC2 and now I'm not getting any errors. Thanks for your help.
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