Idea : Purely Private Messages

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok, so I figured I would throw this one out there while it's a bit fresh in my head. Which might dice Vanilla's features into a bit more common sense approach to how purely private messages are treated if the first message is a private message. There by having a pseudo category marked, what else, "private messages". All this would do is mark the first private message as a pure PM and dump it into said category seperating it from all the other categories in a sense. Even if a category topic is selected for it. Otherwise you're going to go sifting through hundreds or thousands of threads later hunting down what User X tried to whisper to you several weeks/months prior but you missed it because it's now burried down. Thoughts? good/bad? This would be an additional category option I suppose since I know you can go and look at pm's :D


  • I think it is a neat idea... If I am understanding you correctly. So. I, as the admin have an option to open up a 'private messages' catagory, and they all get dumped in there (for safe keeping), but the user can specifiy an alternate catagory for them also (too keep it to a specific topic)? if I am correct, it gets a +1 from me. I loose private discussions all the time.
  • How about just having another Discussion Filter? Instead of finding all whispers from you to another, it would find them from others to you. Alternately, I suppose if you were an admin, you could also specify the sender and/or reciever to find.
  • Well, there is already a discussion filter, but I propose this as an alternate to it, you can use either one or the other or both. Understandably it could draw a bit more from processing overhead, but to see if you have new messages and the number of would be a plus. And yes nathan, that's somewhat the lines of which I speak. Afterall, whispers to a degree are PM's in nature, this way any PM's get locked to their own category if they're started as such. Just a thought overall.
  • as I said, if that is what you are proposing, then it is +1 from me. I like the idea.
  • I'm a tad late on this, but I think the idea is pretty solid.
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