localization issues(not ascii)

lukoielukoie New
edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
hey there
take a look at this screenshot, plz:

this is my localization(russian) of rc2
there's some unlocalized text's, marked red, which i could not find in locale.php file
and "draft saved at ..." text string is also not in the locale.php file!
how can i translate those, except of touching core files?

could you create a page, please, where you describe in short how to localize vanilla2, with a dummy locale.php files for a future localizers? i can add/edit some explanatory texts, if needed.

and could you please create one more category under "addons", called "localizations", plz?
its a bit weird to see language packs in "plugins" directory.
i have my russian localization almost done for my forum(now i need to create some design though), except of the adminpage and those untranslated strings, showed above, which are not in the locale.php file i took from DE localization "plugin".


  • There has recently be a new Plugin uploaded, which collects any unlocalized strings.

    I haven't tested it yet in my German setup of RC2, but the description sounds very promising to achieve a good (and complete) translation.
  • here's another screenshot:
    Piccy.info - Free Image Hosting
    you can see there's yellow bubble with english string, but in my locale.php the same string is localized (#140 in DE localization)
    red bubbles - the same problem with cyrillic text(and management links) in the message and preview.

    so what do we do?
    as i understand there's a problem with ajax scripts?
    i have seen before the same problems on the other projects, like joomla or wordpress, and everytime they said it needs to be fixed by iconv
  • well, i forgot, "write comment" is also untranslated, and not in the "locale.php"
    "inbox" "Dashboard" and "Sign out" in the "vanillaforums.org-1.0.2" theme is also untranslated, BUT in the default RC2 theme it is localized well by locale.php
    how come?
  • lukoielukoie New
    edited June 2010
    thats weird, but i had translated "are you sure you want to do that" message(the confirmation message popped up if you want to delete conversation for example), but now it is gone, and its again in english, even though it is translated in my locale.php, and i didnt touch it
    what could happen to that? and how do i fix it and troubleshot where the problem is?

    @oliverradunerr yes, i know about Undefined Translation Colelctor, and i had it installed on my system, but:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ']' in /home/users/domains/(mydomain.com)/plugins/TranslationCollector/Dashboard.php on line 32
  • @oliverradunerr how did you translate the string "Not much happening here, yet." in deutsch, which is in applications/dashboard/views/activity/all.php file?
    did you just edited this core file?
  • @lukoie I haven't translated that string yet, because it never showed up as I have already activity-content. However, I think you can also put it simpl to /conf/locale.php as a new $Definition[]?
  • SS ✭✭
    edited June 2010
    as i understand there's a problem with ajax scripts
    Yes, there is the some problem. How to fix read here http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/103035

  • You know what i found? there's a problem with the THEMES as well
    in some themes my translation is OK, but in the others it is not.
    well, in the default theme i have almost everything ok, but when i switch to the "vanilaforums.org" theme i have a plenty of untranslated messages!

    i think its not good, really not good...

    and now i'm afraid that there's no solid community for Vanilla, which means we are all alone with our needs and problems?
  • thanx @S
    now it is ok with ajax, i've simply commented the line
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    edited June 2010
    and now i'm afraid that there's no solid community for Vanilla, which means we are all alone with our needs and problems?
    Pardon me?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • lukoielukoie New
    edited June 2010
    @Tim, did you or anyone from the team answered to my thread "localization team" yet?
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