rss in the theme?

lukoielukoie New
edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
is there any way i can add custom rss feed in my theme file, so i can get the latest posts titles from my WP blog in my Vanilla2 RC2 forum sidebar?


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    This would be a pretty sweet plugin, or maybe something that you could do with Javascript, but currently there is no built-in way to achieve what you're asking.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • @lukoie Why not just include Last RSS in your theme's directory and code it into your theme?
  • oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
    edited June 2010
  • thanx oliver
    i need to post the last articles titles in the sidebar(and/or footer), so forum visitors cant ignore blog content activity
    i will look at the links you've provided, thanx
  • well, no luck
    i've tried to incapsulate it into header, but it only shows a mess of the code
    @oliverraduner, can you please modify your plugin to be able to add rss stream on the sidebar or/and footer?
  • @lukoie It IS supposed to show the feed in a sidebar panel. But only on the Activities page!

    Can you show me a Screenshot? Did you modify the Code, because you talked about "encapsuled into the Header"...
  • sorr, my mistake, not a header, but a footer
    i've added the code into footer file, but it only shows the code itself, no rss output
    i have no "activities" page on my forum, just the forum threads itself
  • ?

    You cannot add the Code just to some page?! You only need to put the Plugin folder into /plugins/ and the go to your Dashboard and enable the Plugin.

    In your case, you may want to comment-out the line just below:
    // Show RSS Feed only on the Activities Page
    //here's the old Code line.
  • lukoielukoie New
    edited June 2010
    no no no, oliver
    i meant i've tried to use mentioned script, not your plugin
    you plugin works just fine when i uncommented that string, cheers!

    just a few requests
    1 - you need to make your php file utf8, because at the moment it is in ascii, so non-ascii symbols doesnt show up. (i have a massive hadache with whoisonline plugin right now dealing with tha same problem)
    2 - and could you please hide the rss from the adminpage - i think no need to show it there.
    3 - it seems that "$Rss->items_limit = 5; "
    doesnt work
  • oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
    edited June 2010
    Ah I see @lukoie ;-) Well, can't help you with integrating LastRSS directly into the theme - but I assume you use wrong HTML-styling so it is not being displayed as you want it.

    However, thanks for your requests! Here's my feedback to it:
    1 - you need to make your php file utf8
    I cannot reproduce this problem. The file itself is UTF8 encoded (at least on my side). May you provide an example feed-url which did not work for you?
    Here's a screenshot of when I set the URL to a Cyrillic RSS Feed:
    2 - and could you please hide the rss from the adminpage
    Unless you modified the Plugin code, it is not being displayed on the Admin page?! At least I could not reproduce that...
    3 - it seems that "$Rss->items_limit = 5; "
    There was ineed something wrong so items_limit has not been considered. I fixed that one.
  • lukoielukoie New
    edited June 2010
    1 just add some title in russian, lets say this "последние известия" in your default.php file in the $RssFeedTitle
    2 i did not modified it(just commented the line for activities), but is IS showed in my adminpage
    3 should i re-download the plugin, did you uploaded the modifies version in the same plugin page?
  • Yes @lukoie, I uploaded Version 1.1 of the RSS Plugin

    Regarding your title-encoding issue: please note that the title for the feed box will now be fetched automatically from the feed. Please let me know, if it's being displayed correctly for you.
  • @oliverraduner, it works as a breeze
    but please, could you restore the $rssfeedtitle, and just make it optional to use rss title, or own title?

    i have a few WP sites, and forum integrated and the same theme, so basically users dont need to know its a different scripts (wp and vanilla), so i wanted to add the sites articles on the forums sidebar for users to feel comfortable its all the same one site.
    SO, i dont need the caption to double the sitename, because its already there, i want to call it lets say "the latest articles".
  • btw, the title's codepage is ok now, when it takes it from the rss feed
  • @lukoie I will add an option so you can have a custom title.

    In the meantime, you could overwrite the line where it says <h4> with
    HtmlOut .= '<h4>Your Custom Title</h4>';
  • i did, thanx

    and still, when i add the title in russian, it renders weird symbols on the site, so i must to convert your php file into utf8
  • That's strange @lukoie - because I saved it in UTF8. But does it work for you AFTER you converted it to UTF8 yourself??
  • yeah, it works as a breeze
    just what the doctor ordered
    cheers mate
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