Setting up multiple boards or sub categories

edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Are there any solid solutions for running multiple "boards", maybe with child categories, or would I need to use multiple Vanilla installations? I'm looking for a way to achieve 2 tiers of categorization within a single installation. For example:




Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • Well, you can create all that categories, and just make the menu in the theme file, linked to the categories, even though it will be not hierarchical!
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff

    We're working on the category management for an upcoming release of Vanilla 2. We really want to make them as useful as possible for you guys. If you have some suggestions, feel free to write them here and we'll use them as input during our discussion of this feature.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    This is a good idea, but probably not something that everyone needs. It's like a "Pro" feature if you know what I mean...
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