Addons category needed

lukoielukoie New
edited June 2010 in Localization
i think its pretty weird to have localizations in the "plugins" category.
@Tim could you please create category in the addons called "Localizations" for the search as well, and to move existing translations in it? there's "themes" "plugins" and "applications". why dont you create "languages" there, so it can be more easy to find language file?

And also there's a few copies of the localizations. I suggest to delete unnecessary language files. I mean there's five russian files for v1. Can't you just delete old ones, or combine them into one?


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @lukoie thank you for your suggestion.

    The is a very good reason for the layout of our folder structure. We've tried to make each theme, plugin, and application behave as a closed 'package' of code. That's why they each have their own locale folders.

    As for the other translation packs in Vanilla 1, I see no compelling reason to reduce the number of choices available to our users when it comes to selecting a language pack. If there are 5 good options, let there be 5 :) There are probably differences within those packs that make a lot of sense to the people that created them.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • lukoielukoie New
    edited June 2010
    @Tim, i meant you website repository
    if somebody comes to download chinese language for his vanilla, what should they do?
    and what if(just suppose) they do not know english language?
    well, and even if they do - you have to be smart enough to start searching in the plugins(!) repository for the language pack.
    instead, if there will be "languages" category, it would be easier to navigate there, and more obvious for users how to get needed translation.

    as of the language versions - they are outdated. no need to keep so outdated language packs for the old vanilla versions!
    should we vote, or what?
    As for the other translation packs in Vanilla 1
    so it should be indicated what is so diferent in the that "other" language pack.
    how do you suppose users to chose between those 5 language packs, if they all claim to be the same? and why users have to waste their time downloading one, and finding out it is not well-translated?
  • @Tim, listen, you can create a dropdown menu on the "addons" button in the header, with the subcategories, and one of them will be languages
    i think its the best way to manage that!
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Vanilla 1 code and support is End-of-life for us and we will not be changing our Vanilla 1 services at this time.

    The addon site is due for a revamp in the near future and one of our goals is to improve usability. Some of your suggestions are already on our radar.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

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