Whos online plugin

lukoielukoie New
edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I have a problem with the plugin WhosOnline
It worked well, but when i added the strings to the localization file conf/locale.php, the title was a mess of strange symbols.
now i disabled the plugin, and can't enable it again, because it says:
The addon could not be enabled because it generated a fatal error:

what should i do to make it work?


  • Please read the last Comment from the Author on the Plugin's page.
  • Yeah still sorry, havent even had a chance to install RC 2 yet, so will hopefully do this all tomorrow. If anyone has any time and the inclination to do this then please do.
  • but it defenitely worked all day long today! just after i added localization this evening it worked for some time, and then it failed. have no idea why, but now i cant even enable it.
  • nice @garymardell - I really miss the plugin in my forum ;-)
  • @garymardell
    and please, make sure it can be localized ; )
  • @oliverraduner and @lukoie I promise i will do my best, patience guys :) It will be done.
  • edited June 2010
    @oliverraduner and @lukoie I have downloaded the RC2 files and installed the plugin, it's working fine for me.

    Can you give me the file for what you were trying to translate it into etc. Your locale file.

    You guys on the bleeding edge?
  • $Definition['Who\'s Online'] = 'Awesome Plugin';

    This seems to work fine for translating my plugin.
  • yeah, rc2
    conf/locale.php file
    $Definition['Who\'s Online'] = 'Хто тама';
    in th eend of the file
    didnt work

    but now i cant even acticate it.
    it says:
    The addon could not be enabled because it generated a fatal error:

  • damn
    i cant re-enable any of the plugins now
    if i disable any plugin, i can re-enable it ;(
  • edited June 2010
    @lukoie I don't think this is a problem with my addon specifically, is this site live?

  • when i was able to enable/disable plugins it worked wel, except of the cyrillic title. after manually delete the plugin(well, forgot to disable it first) all plugins enable/disable functionality failed, so now i can check it out, sorry
    ; (
  • Edit the config.php file and delete the line that links to whos online plugin.
  • there's no link, i have checked before
  • @garymardell No idea why, but it works now fine with my RC2 version of Vanilla...
  • @oliverraduner Im glad it now works, it worked for me when i tried RC2. No sure what happened then.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    This plugin is working with no errors on a pretty big VanillaForums install running RC2 code. Sounds like it was just a conflict or a solar flare. Or maybe zombies.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • What VanillaForums install would this be @Tim, would love to see it in the wild :P
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    They're a private bunch, but I'll ask them if they mind letting you come check it out. I'll let you know.

    I also had some feedback from them asking if there was any way to 'hide' from the online notifier... some sort of 'invisible mode'. Maybe admin-restricted even. What do you think?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • I guess its possible to do for sure. I'll have a look at doing it when i can.
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