I just use RSS in my live bookmarks to see when a site is updated, and I also used a feed aggregator on my site to pull in friends' posts. (Note: can also be used for enemies posts.)
I understand the feelings towards wanting to see and feel a site, or being discoraged that people aren't seeing your site (have you thought about simple excerpts instead of full posts in feeds) but its just not practical to visit everything everyday.. and for some things it doesn't matter wheither you see it in one view or another.
I've got between 150-200 feeds in NNW .. everything from sites I'd normally visit incessently to sites to internal feeds for wikis and such that help keep me be more responsive in an active way (not just looking for stuff to read) and some (like my nextflix feeds) that I'd never visit at all, but keep me informed.
The most useful part isn't for the sites or blogs you'd normally read anyway cause I still find I go to those in a "real" browser anyway, its for those I wouldn't.. things that don't get updated regularly, but that I wouldn't want to miss the rare update to.. or things that I would have alternatively been on a mailing list to get updates for.... Its a great way to keep up on software releases or patches, etc.
I just saves so much time, that I can track more things then I could before... be it check out more designers or read more development blogs for thigns like IE or Firefox or whatever else that I just found I wanted to but didn't have the time to refresh once a day just incase there was soemthign interesting to read.
Plus, it allows me an easy way to ignore all of it when I'm real busy working just by keeping the app tucked away/
I use RSS daily, couldn't live without it anymore. It brings at least some structure into the daily information flood I brought on myself.
And now, not only my webbrowser (Safari) does RSS, no, both my MP3-Player (iTunes / iPod) and my gaming console (PSP) receive feeds.
Brave new world.
krak, not to try to push you into it, but think of RSS as the lazy mans browser extension/alert system. If you have firefox, and often check news sites (wired/ars technica/whatever) check out the sage extenson. and collect a couple of your favorite RSS feeds from your regularly visited sites and forget about it for a while. Then the next time you're bored as shit in front of the computer or passing time, you'll remember its there and recheck all your news (if you haven't for a while).
It's fairly nifty for things like fark.com which have EXTREMELY ugly layouts, plus you can re-theme its output at your own discretion. All-around, a great plugin for existing software.
I've tried sage before. Its a decent extension, but I dont really care for RSS. I also tried the Thunderbird RSS feature.
I don't really have any news type of sites that I visit, just this one and a few friends sites. But whenever I come here or to the others I usually always end up posting something, so RSS would be a waste of my time. Since I am going to go there to post anyways.
"I use RSS every 15 minutes. I have Newsfire on my mac, and feed subscriptions to something like 700 sites. RSS is great, it means I get to read content without visiting some awful looking/slow loading/painfullyfull of advertising sites. Also, I don't spend hours checking on my favourite sites now, they come and tell me when something new is added."
i couldn't agree more. it's a HUGE time saver.
i use google.com/ig for my rss feeds. i do like to still visit the sites though. i just use the google page for a quick glance to see if any of the news sites i like have an article worth reading.
Gregarius seems pretty good : web-based, highly configurable (because you run it on your own server), it uses tags and seems well designed... Maybe I will forget my good old Bloglines. Hopefully.
i love using RSS... i don't view it as a replacement for visiting websites at all, but being able to have live bookmarks from my favorite news sites in my firefox toolbar is wonderful! i don't have to visit the site to see the headlines, and if i don't like the headlines, i don't waste a trip to the site...
another great use for them is streaming information from other sites to display on yours. for instance, if i've got a friend with a blog that supports RSS, i can very easily tap that RSS feed with PHP and display his last however many posts i want styled as i'd have them, too!
RSS is beautiful! --btw, i prefer RSS 2.0 to ATOM any day, so i'm going to eventually write an RSS generator for Vanilla to allow for either RSS or ATOM... at least, that's my goal.
>so i'm going to eventually write an RSS generator for Vanilla to allow for either RSS or ATOM
0.9.2: http://lussumo.com/community/comments.php?DiscussionID=956&page=2#Comment_13889
built in for 0.9.3
I use RSS a lot for news (digg, slashdot, ars technica, etc.) and comics (real life, applegeeks, ctrl-alt-del, etc.) But it integrates so well with Safari. It's a lot like just visiting the website, except there's no ads (usually.. some have started integrating them in the feed summary) and you can see when there's new newsitems.
I'm addicted as well...
I understand the feelings towards wanting to see and feel a site, or being discoraged that people aren't seeing your site (have you thought about simple excerpts instead of full posts in feeds) but its just not practical to visit everything everyday.. and for some things it doesn't matter wheither you see it in one view or another.
I've got between 150-200 feeds in NNW .. everything from sites I'd normally visit incessently to sites to internal feeds for wikis and such that help keep me be more responsive in an active way (not just looking for stuff to read) and some (like my nextflix feeds) that I'd never visit at all, but keep me informed.
The most useful part isn't for the sites or blogs you'd normally read anyway cause I still find I go to those in a "real" browser anyway, its for those I wouldn't.. things that don't get updated regularly, but that I wouldn't want to miss the rare update to.. or things that I would have alternatively been on a mailing list to get updates for.... Its a great way to keep up on software releases or patches, etc.
I just saves so much time, that I can track more things then I could before... be it check out more designers or read more development blogs for thigns like IE or Firefox or whatever else that I just found I wanted to but didn't have the time to refresh once a day just incase there was soemthign interesting to read.
Plus, it allows me an easy way to ignore all of it when I'm real busy working just by keeping the app tucked away/
It's fairly nifty for things like fark.com which have EXTREMELY ugly layouts, plus you can re-theme its output at your own discretion. All-around, a great plugin for existing software.
Huhu, their forum is powered by Vanilla.