Vanilla1 VS Vanilla2

kaoskaos New
edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Ok so i was wondering what everyone thinks about vanilla 1 and 2 which one do you prefer and why? Please dont say "i like vanilla 1 because vanilla 2 isnt stable". Imagine that vanilla 2 is stable. Also What version do you use?

So basically the questions im asking are :
What version do you prefer and why?
What version are you using at the moment?



  • currently i use rc2, and i think its better because it will be developed in the future(hope so).
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    I've used both and I definitely like Vanilla 2. Why, simply because it looks and feels more advanced, has a better dashboard for customization, has better functionality for users, and obviously it will be getting more development over the next year in comparison to Vanilla 1.

    @Mark and the team have done a great job with Vanilla 2 and hopefully it continues to get better.
  • I just never used Vanilla 1 - I directly started with V2. Does this count as argument for pro Vanilla2? ;-)
  • Vanilla 2 just looks so beautiful. I'm so spoiled now after having a taste of V2.
  • Nice comments guys :D i to use RC2 :D
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