
edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Not much better for chilling with friends than some nice cigars.

I have tried Black and Milds, some Clove cigarettes, and Swisher Sweets. I think I like Sweets the best. I need to get me a smoking pipe and go to a real tobacco store.

I do it probably about once every two weeks. Anyone else smoke cigars/cigarettes/pipes)?


  • I like cloves. Black and Milds, not so much. Swishers are ok. You want a good cigarette? Try a Nat Sherman Queen Size Black papered Mint. It's not menthol. But it's great as hell.
  • Also, hookah is pretty good.
  • Yeah, I've always wanted to go to a hookah bar.
  • I usually just like to chew on the ends of the swisher sweets, that sugar on the end is addictive, even tho im not much of a cigar smoker. Everytime I smell cloves tho they make me sick. I need to quit smoking tho :)
  • Delicious vanilla cigars are the fucking bomb. Those with a nice irish whiskey
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