New technology introduced and accepted too hastily?
Around couple a months ago, I upgraded my system and choose the AMD x64 3000+ cpu for socket 939 in the hopes of upgrading it in the future to a more powerful cpu. Now I'm not saying that I can't do that, I'm more like questioning the need for new 940-pin socket M2 that AMD is adopting second quarter 2006.
Now AMD expects that socket 939 processors are going to "phase out" one year after the introduction of the new socket M2. As for plans to release new single and dual core processors for socket 939 during this "phasing out" has not been confirmed.
I understand that coming from 3000+ cpu I have a good 20 models or so on top of my processor to upgrade to, but when this might be the case, the speed bump when changing from the 3000+ model to the X2 processors which (thank god) my mobo supports is not that good.
So how do you guys feel about this?
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I know there's a company that does adapters but I don't know how good they are.