Error 500 - Internal server error

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I'm trying to use Vanilla 2, but have an issue just after installing : it shows a "Error 500 - Internal server error" page.
Tables are wrote in the database and the main page seems to work, but if I click on anything, it goes "Error 500 - Internal server error".
I'm hosted by 1and1, can use PDO and have PHP 5.2.13, database is MySQL 5, there are no errors log file (or, if there is, I don't know where) and I've tested with chmod 777 on every files and folders.
I've tested RC2 and RC3, this last one shows a menu, after installing, where every action send to internal server errors.
Could you please help me ?


  • Found what was the problem : Vanilla wasn't on the / directory, so the .htaccess was to be edited.
    Why wasn't it a 404 error then ? Well, as long as it works...
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