I have a dream!

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
And it's to have more control on things in Photoshop, for one, why can't I manually type in a size for the object I'm controlling? I hate that I have to look in the info box for some kind of vague number for how big my object is. And the controls for controlling paths suck way too hard. Is it just me, or is Photoshop just not that good anymore comparing to competition? If you want to make like website layouts I'd go definedly with Fireworks (but we don't have that at work so I'm stuck with this) and if you want to make something creative you are better off with Painter, as far as photoediting and manipulating, I think Photoshop keeps it's licks, but these days if you are on a Mac you can use the Aperture, which btw kicks photoshops ass in the browser side. So am I the only one who is just not that happy with the recent Photoshop?


  • You can't type in a size? I can... What's wrong with website layout making in photoshop? I've never tried painter or aperture... so I can't comment on their superiority over photoshop. The only problem I have with photoshop is it's system hogging... and it's price. I'd just as soon use GIMPshop if it had a blending options similar to photoshops...
  • With transform you can. But maybe it is just the way Photoshop works with Layers and not elements. Now I can't really put my finger on it. If you want to make a drawing or a painting, you are better offwith traditional tools thatn with Photoshop. It sucks at that.
  • All I have to do it highlight the text click on the number in font size and change it myself
  • You mean, like oil pastels and acryllic?
  • All I have to do it highlight the text click on the number in font size and change it myself

    What on earth are you talking man? I'm scared and disoriented, confused.

    You mean, like oil pastels and acryllic?

    Pastels, acrylics, inks, pens, pencils, watercolors, gouache, you name it.
  • edited November 2005
    Agreed on some things... I haven't tired painter or aperture either though. Photoshop still rocks my world :)
  • I still mostly use Photoshop around 90% of my work, and I actually finish my Painter pictures with it, but that is because I have used it for way longer than anything else. And even with the lack of some things, it is the industry standard. And even if it because near to useless for me, I'd still continue to use it as long as it is widely supported, since to be a good graphic designer, is to know your tools of trade.
  • surely if you want to make a drawing/painting then illustrator is what you should be using, not photoshop. i think there's a clue somewhere in the name's of the both the products ;-)
  • Yeah but if your work is not illustration based on vectors, but fluid pixels, then you are seriously screwing yourself over with illustrator, the program NOT good for pixel art.
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