Need Help editing 'Applicant Discovery 1.2' extension

I am using Extension: Applicant Discovery 1.2 by Mark O'Sullivan, on my website and I need Help with this extension. This Applicant Discovery 1.2 extension only sends a discovery email to the admin when the new member sign-up application approval is set to 'Applicant'. I have my 'New Member Role' set to 'Membership Approval Role = Member', and the 'Applicant Discovery Extension' doesn't send the administrator an email when role permissions are set to a 'member' role other than 'Applicant'.

Does anyone know how to edit this extension 'Applicant Discovery 1.2 by Mark O'Sullivan' so it will send the administrator an email of a new sign-up when ANY NEW ROLE MEMBERSHIP signs up?

In other words, when there is a new sign-up the member will have direct access to site, and administrator will still get a 'New Member Applicant Discovery' email sent to the administrator.

Please help with any suggestions.
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