Change layout of V2 front page

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I tried to find a clear explanation of this, but it looks like it's a pretty serious theming issue...

Can anyone point me to documentation and/or offer help with rearranging the layout of the discussion page? I'd really like to make the front view something like this:

Top: 5 most recent discussions in any category.

Below that, each category, with a description, and the title of the most recent conversation.

The feedback I'm getting from the users I have trying out our new Vanilla 2 Forum is that the presentation of the front page as entirely a mix of latest discussions is confusing. I kind of like it, but I need to be responsive to them.

You can check out my site at:


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    All of what you're asking for could be accomplished using a theme. There are some pretty clever themers in the community that might be able to help you out, and I wish you luck.

    Perhaps @digibomb might even have some suggestions...

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Right - clearly a theming issue, I just haven't been able to figure out where the front page lives, and I'm not sure I would know how to change how it works...
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    The main template file is /applications/dashboard/views/default.master.php

    Each sub-page (what we call 'controllers') has its own view file(s) within their /applications//views// folders. For example, in we can see that 'discussion' is the controller, so we'd look for its views in the /applications/vanilla/views/discussion/ folder.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Oh, excellent - that helps a lot. If I want to override a single file in the "discussion" view, can I just place that in the views folder of my theme, or does it need to be in the same subfolder as it's found in the original application? ie - does discussions/index.php just go in 'mytheme/views' or does it go in 'mytheme/views/discussions/' ?
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    More like the second one, but there is another layer. I mentioned 'applications' in my post, and you should include the app name as well:


    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Ok, that makes sense.
  • if you do make a custom theme, it would be great if you shared it with the community by posting it on the site :P
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