Changing Application Settings having no effect...

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This is a problem I've had with every single Vanilla board I've set up. When I change the Application Settings, nothing happens at all. I can change the default style folder, and Vanilla doesn't notice...I can change the directory, and Vanilla doesn't notice. I can change anything under there and Vanilla doesn't seem to care.

Oddly enough, I can change anything else in "Application Settings", and they take effect. It is only the last three options, "Default style folder", "Web-path to Vanilla", "Cookie domain", that don't have any effect.

I don't understand it. The file is properly CHMODDED to 666, and I've checked the file after I made changes, and they are infact the correct values...its just like Vanilla doesn't recognize it.

What can I do to fix this?



  • Am I the only one experiencing this?
  • Hmmm, perhaps a hard reload is in order. My guess is that it might be pulling data from your browser cache instead of properly refreshing. Next time, after you modify the troubled vars which don't appear to be updating, download the settings.php and double check it's values to see if the changes did in fact go into effect. If they did, try a hard reload and flush your browser cache. Else I have no idea what's going on.
  • Apparently it is just a browser cache issue. Thanks.
  • :]
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