Vanilla Homepage, pagination and few other questions.

NimaveliNimaveli New
edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a few site questions I'm having. I would greatly appreciate it.

1) Is it possible to have a homepage like the one on this site on Vanilla 2.0? If so, how to add it in? As you can see that site has some sort of blog feature where the admin adds new articles.

2) Is it possible to add pagination instead of the ''show more comments'' thing that's standard right now? Cause as you can imagine, if you have a very long discussion it could be very annoying at times. But this would not be a problem if the site automatically took you to the last post you viewed in that topic. I remember that this was the case in Vanilla 1, if that's the same in Vanilla 2 then that's great cause I love that feature :D

3) When using the ''apply for membership'' option on my forum this will popup once you type in an email(doesn't matter which email it is) if you just ignore it you can sign up but I can imagine that it's very confusing for some and might even stop them from signing up.

4) How do I add subcategories? I would like it to be like this.

- Pac's life
- Theories
- Downloads

This is just an example but I would want to make several of these categories + subcategories. How do I do that?

5) I added the signature plug-in but if you want to add images into it you have to use the HTML code. Which isn't that simple and many people do not know this code, so it would result into me teaching people how to use it over and over again. So is it possible to somehow change the ''img src=''something.jpg'' alt=''something''> into a [IMG][/IMG] code?

Thanks in advance!


  • Anyone? :(
  • oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
    edited July 2010
    1) Yes - just edit the master view accordingly

    2) Here's a discussion about the same topic:

    3) no answer from me about this ;-)

    4) You can do this in the Dashboard under "Categories.
    Here's also a post about it:

    5) Probably by generally enabling BBCode for your forum?
  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited July 2010
    1) I'm sorry but I don't understand what that means haha xD

    2) I see, on second thought I found out that Vanilla 2 also takes you to the last post you viewed so no need for pagination :D Thanks anyway though!

    3) Ok, hope someone else can help me out here :D

    4) Well, I managed to do it but why does it look so weird? I would like that for example you click on the categorie ''2Pac'' and three subcategories would slide down. Click on ''2Pac'' again and they would dissapear. If this is not possible just having 2Pac and three smaller font subcategories under it would work to. Similar to Vbulletin style forums but just smaller. This just looks very weird and chaosy(if that is a word lol) :)

    5) They say that I should add this line:
    ''$Configuration['Garden']['InputFormatter'] = 'BBCode';''

    in the ''config.php'' file, but once I do that I get this error:
    ''[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]''

    Problems that still remain are 3, 1, 4 and 5.
  • oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
    edited July 2010
    1) this is a template file under /applications/dashboard/views/ and named like "default.master.tpl" (don't know by heart the exact name of it)

    You take a copy this file to the folder /themes/default/views/ or if you are using another (custom) theme to /themes/your-theme-folder/views/.

    Then you need to adjust the HTML-Code of it, until you end up with the page design you referred in your first post. Reading the description (textfile) under /themes/default/ should clarify some questions about this, too.
    You may also refer to the Vanilla documentation about creating custom Themes:

    4) Ok, but then you are talking about customizing the look & feel of subcategories. This can also be achieved by copy & modifying the according template file (refer to 1)). You may even integrate some jQuery (JavaScript function library) commands to create sliding effects in your updated template file for categories.

    5) I hope you pasted it without the quotes " " ? ;-)
  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited July 2010
    1) Well, I'm pretty good at CSS editing but HTML is relatively new for me. That site i posted.., isn't that like a basic Vanilla homepage anyway? Or is it custom-made?

    4) Could you give me a quick tutorial on how to do this please? I'm also willing to pay someone to do this if it's really that hard. Cause I can theme the whole site myself. But templates, html and jquery are new to me :D

    5) Haha, yes I did :)
  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited July 2010
    Could anyone help me out please :) I'm sure these fixes aren't that hard, perhaps someone from the Vanilla team could shed some light on these questions?
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