Hi Tex, indeed this fixes the Problem! THANK YOU for that. Only tiny problem after that, "Bottom of Page" is now in the next line of text and not like it should be in the same line as the Discussion title. But that is acceptable. Thank you!
I coded IsOnline but as it uses string replace technique , i have to add a span tag to the comment.php of the default theme(same thing with other themes as well).Please suggest any other way to do it OR is the theme gonna be updated with spans after the time and date in the comment headers in the commentgrid?
Anyone out there with a fix? :-)
While we're on the subject, there is another IE7 bug with the page numbers occasionally floating to the right of the discussion grid: Bug? "1 to 1 of 1" appears on right, instead of below... # 9
And last but not least, a bug that messes up the search results for user searches and comment searches: IE7 Search Results display fix # 1
I coded IsOnline but as it uses string replace technique , i have to add a span tag to the comment.php of the default theme(same thing with other themes as well).Please suggest any other way to do it OR is the theme gonna be updated with spans after the time and date in the comment headers in the commentgrid?