The file could not be opened. Please make sure that PHP has write access to the /home/virtual/site13/fst/var/www/html/forum/conf/extensions.php file.
It has write access, am I having problems because of the virtual path, you think?
Yea, crap, it's happening on other add-ons i know work, that i've used on another site. sigh.
I have problems with this extension working together with DefaultPage:
when I choose "all unblocked categories" from the drop-down menu, it brings me to my default page instead of the discussions list with the discussions belonging to unblocked categories.
I have no problems with this when disabling DefaultPage.
I'm testing in local, so no link available, sorry
I guess line 22 should be:
$Context->SetDefinition('AllUnblockedCategories', 'All unblocked categories');
$Context->Dictionary["AllUnblockedCategories"] = 'All unblocked categories';
(btw preview button is missing here)