Applicant Discovery

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Applicant Discovery


  • I would like this module a lot more if you could choose what question to ask...

    For example, I use my forum as a forum for my friends at high school. Instead of asking this, I'd like to ask "How do we know you are who you say you are?".
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Open up the default.php file and change this:

    $Context->Dictionary["HowDidYouFindUs"] = "Why do you want to join this forum?";

    to this

    $Context->Dictionary["HowDidYouFindUs"] = "How do we know you are who you say you are?";
  • I figured that out :)

    But the module should give an option of your own text...
  • bloody ell
  • After upgrading to Vanilla 1.1.1, the Applicant Discovery extension throws this error when a user submits their application.Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/mallow00/public_html/cogsi/extensions/Discovery/default.php on line 122 I'd look into it but I'm hopeless at object oriented PHP as of yet, I'm really hoping to learn more and contribute to Vanilla. If I can't, I'll try my hand at some themeing since I know I can do that :) By the way, is there any way to turn off those ugly errors that display the path?
  • Hurray, I fixed it. I changed line 122 of Discovery/default.php from GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, 'settings.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=Applicants') to GetUrl($UserManager->Context->Configuration, 'settings.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=Applicants') Come to think of it, I stopped getting "New User Application" emails after I installed the Discovery extension even before Vanilla 1.1.1, maybe it was broken even earlier? Anyway, emails work and no more errors. Hope this helps someone.
  • Uploaded version 1.2 of Applicant Discovery.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Nice find!

    I fixed it and uploaded a new version. I'm surprised that it works here on the community forum. Weird.
  • Mark,
    I'm running the Applicant Email Verification extension, I would like to use your Applicant Discovery extension also. The "where the user found us" information is sent in the accept/deny email that we no longer get because of the auto accept. Is there a way to send the user response to another location other than the accept/deny email (other than shutting auto accept off)? Saving the how they found the forum info in the user account, but visible to the admin(s), would be great. Or, sending the info in an email other than the accept/deny user email.
  • I'm a little confused by all that. Are you just looking to keep the applicant discovery information visible once people have been confirmed as members?
  • Yeah, that would be cool -- to be able to see the reason a person joined, after the fact. Maybe making it so that only admins can see the reason or something?
  • Oh. Well I had Mark change the extension so it does exactly that on this forum...I'm not sure what code he changed though and I dont think he released the update. I cant imagine it being too hard though...probably just a matter of removing or changing an if statement..
  • Would be nice to get that released :)
  • Mini's spot on.

    I think you could get this by changing line 41 as so:
    if ($this->User->RoleID == 0 && $this->User->Discovery != '' && $this->Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_APPROVE_APPLICANTS'))
  • nice one.
    but it looks a lit different here:
    Any ideas how I can change that?
  • Any chance we can have an update to this with the following added feature:
    - creates a page in settings panel with usernames and reasons given for signing up side by side.

    |username |: reason|

    Just like a little thing so admins can go back and see why the user origionally wanted to join.
  • Vaz said:Any chance we can have an update to this with the following added feature:
    - creates a page in settings panel with usernames and reasons given for signing up side by side.
    Why not add the info to the user account page, but with visibility permissions-based? That's how I would do it.
  • timfire: I'd like to see over-view for the reasons given by all my members for signing up rather than clicking on every profile (approx 170 members). I origionally thought the same about having reasons in the profile but it wouldnt suite my needs to be honest.
  • Can this be used with every Theme?
  • no reason why it couldn't
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