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IP History

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
IP History


  • While this extension works "as advertised" in confirming that certain IPs
    have NOT been used by others, I get no "This IP address has also been used by"
    message for those IPs that are used by more than one user. It does show the
    most recent IP used by people using multiple IDs, and yes, I have set "LOG_ALL_IPS"
    and I am using the default theme packaged with Vanilla 1.1.2

    Any clues as to why I'm not getting the multiple-use warnings?
    Any hints as to how to diagnose this?
  • In where I can see IP History results in my Vanilla 1.1.2?
    $Configuration['LOG_ALL_IPS'] = '1'; <== is ok
    Extension is installed and visible at Settings -> Extensions
    MySQL database SELECT * FROM LUM_IpHistory returns: Empty result, eg 0 rows!
    LUM_IpHistory table and all fields exists.

    Is there some kind of frontend for Vanilla or must I use MySQL tools to get information IP address used?

  • Other bugs similar to this have been logged for this add-on: I'm not sure if any of them have been addressed yet.
  • IP address logging is happening in the wrong place.
    1. Open library/People/People.Class.Authenticator.php
    2. Cut the three lines starting on line 127.
    3. Paste in those three lines just after line 57.
    Funny thing is, the IP logging in the WordPress Authenticator is correct and has been for almost a year.
  • One of the users on our site for some reason hasn't had a single IP address logged despite absolutely loads of visits, any idea what could cause this please? It's quite important that we find out if people are using their account :/
  • Squirrel, Thanks!
  • Just an FYI: the above bugs should be fixed in the 1.1.3 release of Vanilla.
  • Sorry for the bump, but I can't get this to work on Vanilla 1.1.4
  • What about it isn't working? Did you make sure to add the requisite configuration option to enable logging of IPs? Check out the first comment in this thread.
  • Brilliant! Does what it says on the tin! Thanks for this.
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