Constructive uses for an old OS 9 PowerPC?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
For some reason I lugged an olde Mac home from work thinking I could use it for something useful... ideas anyone? Already have an old PC as an MP3 server in the kitchen so would need to do something else!


  • Dedicated firewall?
  • lol that's hardcore!
  • I'm all about the hardcore!
  • haha what about as a light! "Choose from one of 32,000 hues, sit back and relax as you are bathed in colour..."
  • Dedicated Web/Ftp server or something :D
  • Hmmm interesting... maybe it could become a web server but have a crazy crappy AI program installed on it, so it would be some kinda online agony aunt.... ; like
  • i should add that my brain is fried right now due to last night's drinking session so not talking much sense right now.
  • lol it's not even os9, its 7.5.... dinosaur!
  • powerpc....which ones are they? I assume they're not the traditional iMacs?
  • Hmmm, actually, if i recall correctly, I'm not entirely sure you could turn it into a fully qualified Web Server, at least not easily. As for the rest, it's quite doable. OS9 wasn't exactly "friendly" for setting up services.
  • it's os7.5 lech :)
  • AGH! ok, the situation is possibly even worse then.
  • you could install just Darwin, not the whole os x, and then run a server
  • LoOkOuTLoOkOuT
    edited November 2005
    Before you got to bed place it above your bedroom door, carefully balancing it on a custom made trap door. Devise some rigging and voila... a security device. During the day, use it as a doorstop. Now if you had an original Mac, an iMac or a Studio Display, then there's always this:
  • Seriously I need an option now to get rid of this damn thing... I don't want to bin it if at all possible. 1. Ebay it. Might get 99p. 2. Charity Shop. Could anyone love it? 3. Security device. Yup I like that one. 4. Extract all the gold off the circuits and earn myself a few pence if lucky.
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