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Chatr Integration

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Chatr Integration


  • I would like too see a Vanilla 1 compatible version. It doesn't work for me right now. Changed the Chatr.php to default.php and the "chat now!"-loginbutton shows. But when I push the button I won't go straight to the chatroom, but to another login window where I have to login again before I can enter the chatroom...
    Also when a non-admin is logged in to the forum, the following error is being displayed:
    Notice: Undefined variable: AdminLogin in /Library/WebServer/Documents/v101/extensions/Chatr/default.php on line 35
    And a non-admin also can't login straight from Vanilla...

    But the Chatroom looks good! Fine and simple layout.
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