Forum Statistics



  • looks like no one wants a new version of Forum Statistics then...
  • I do :)

    I'd really like to see this link to user profile issue fixed.
  • Anything new is good, even though the old one works fine for me.
  • Ohhh, I do. I have periodic problems w/ the current version. It falls over and needs to be reset every week or two.
  • Hi, I had to do some hacks to make it work fine for me with my language.php definitions:

    1. change all these lines
    $Context->Dictionary["term"] = "definition";
    $Context->SetDefinition("term", "definition");
    so language.php definitions are not overdefined by these.
    (starts on line 14)

    2. add 'Statistic_NumberOfRows' definition and replace "Number of rows:" by getter from dictionary (on line 200)

    3. replace 'Statistics' label for Panel List Item by getter from dictionary (on line 307)

    4. switch 1 and 2 notices because it seems the notice messages are reversed (on lines 240, 247, 261, 263)

    5. change form method from post to get, so it displays the correct notice, not the previous one when changed settings (line 254)

    Here is a diff of all changes:
  • I have a small problem... when a user hits 999 posts it stops them right there... I'm poking through the code looking to see where I can change it to allow a 4 digit number vs. a 3 digit number but I'm not seeing it... any help?
  • Interesting.... it rolled over now about 2 hours later and is displaying the proper amount... looks like it just lags when rolling over from 999 to 1000
  • Me too, I'd totally like to see a new version!
  • Interesting.... it rolled over now about 2 hours later and is displaying the proper amount... looks like it just lags when rolling over from 999 to 1000
    This is a cache issue I think.
  • Uploaded version 0.4.6 of Forum Statistics.
  • so what does this new update solve?
  • If you'd wait longer than a minute, the creator of the addon could actually tell us!
  • that is true
    i saw it
    and it said updated 15 seconds ago
  • haha, nice.

    I just updated the Forum Statistics to include the mistakes that i didn't correct beforehand that had been spotted out by the people here.

    I'm not sure how much time i'll have to fix up this in the next few weeks but i may dust off my old vanilla files and take a shot...
  • hi,

    Since the user count at my site is stabilizing, and more readers as poster come around i needed a extra statistic, "user count online today(last 24h)".
    So i could see if there is still enough activity to keep the site online.

    Since maybe some people would like this. here is what i have changed in the extension dir Statistics

    replace the last two chars "; on the end of line 86 in default.php with \nusers_in_the_last_24_hours".$GlobalKey."1".$GlobalKey."0".$GlobalKey."0"; add the following line to default.php at line 41 $Context->SetDefinition("Statistic_users_in_the_last_24_hours", "Users Logged on the last 24 hours"); insert the followingline at line 123 to default.php $this->StatisticsSQL['users_in_the_last_24_hours'] = "SELECT count(*) FROM `".$this->Context->DatabaseTables['User']."` WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= ".$this->Context->DatabaseTables['User'].".".$this->Context->DatabaseColumns['User']['DateLastActive'].";";

    After this is added, reset the statistics from the settings page and a line is added at the bottom of the statistics showing how many users have logged in the last 24hours.
  • I already translated to portuguese, there is the link for download:
  • just updated, doesnt seem to fix the username linking to the account issue though
  • version number should be updated in default.php
  • I confirm the username linking still doesn't work for me either.
  • Bug: username with ' sample ol'chous generate цarning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /.../extensions/Statistics/default.php on line 192
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