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document.forms.frmPostDiscussion has no properties Line 328
var frm = document.getElementById('frmPostComment'); if (frm) { // Do stuff in here, like... setCheckedValue(document.forms['frmPostComment'].elements['FormatType'], 'Html'); }else{ setCheckedValue(document.forms['frmPostDiscussion'].elements['FormatType'], 'Html'); //THIS LINE }
Any luck with this?
ul and ol are NOT underline and overline, they are unordered list and ordered list, both need intermediary li tags.
- ordered item one
- ordered item two
Block this comment to see how it's done.Posted: Sunday, 22 April 2007 at 5:09PM
I appreciate the clarifications!
Posted: Sunday, 22 April 2007 at 6:36PM
Sorry I don't have time to provide exact details right now, maybe you could take a look at the quicktags.js file on my site and work it out?
Posted: Sunday, 22 April 2007 at 8:06PM
I created a fix where instead I remapped all the access keys to number keys instead based on their order. Alternately, removing the access keys works too.
Here's Lech's mod:It's too damn long to fit in a comment!It's at - I haven't tested this yet though - I'll package this up and update the extension at the weekend...
- make the tiny ones (italic is 1/16" on my notebook) a lot bigger (Fitts' Law: effort to hit a target is inversely proportional to size)
- use captions comprehensible to people who don't know the tags (see comment #5).
Just using words would meet both goals. UnorderedList, OrderedList, & ListItem would explain both function and abbreviation. Andstrikethrough,|code
. (Or snag icons from BBInsertBar or FCKEditor.)(To folks on my forum who don't know HTML, it isn't even obvious that they're all format - DEL and CODE are pretty scary.)
(Also the old short tags <b> <i> <s> are more lucid - not sure if they're now a faux pas.)
I tried to do this a while back and had limited success with Firefox and Safari, if someone with more CSS skills than myself could take this on it would be great.
Still, replacing initials with words in button definitions can't really fail. Adding new buttons to "Quicktags" # 2 .