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    My comments are never written to mock others. I do to others as I would like done to myself.

    Max, please reflect on the fact that you were the one who initiated dialog about "typos." Had you not done that, I would not have made any suggestions to you at all concerning other spelling errors that I myself had found. I think that is quite clear though because if you search for every post I have made to date, you will not find any others from me that talk about spelling errors, even though I have found many spelling and grammar errors in many Vanilla extensions.

    Your native language is not an issue here. The facts simply are that: (a) you willingly created an extension in English of your own accord, and (b) you were the one who opened dialog about spelling. Having read your "typo" comment, I simply offered some advice on how to correct, without having made any attempts to mock you or your native tongue. And if I myself were to ever venture into creation of French language extensions, I would certainly hope that kind souls such as yourself would assist me in making the language as perfect as it could be. Goodness knows my friends here in Japan do that with regard to my written Japanese!

    Thank you, Max, for an excellent extension. And please know that a spelling error here or there does not detract from the fact you are an excellent Vanilla Extensions developer!
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    OK JDW, relax, I get your point.
    The typo I mentioned in the release post was the space in the extension name, which was a BUGGY typo. I definitely don't spend enough time to correct comment typos.
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    mattmatt ✭✭
    This is a great extension, thanks for your hard work.

    I use it on my forum:
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    I'm retarded. I followed the readme and no luck still this: Notice: Undefined property: LanguageSelectorArray in /home/catavino/public_html/forum.foro/extensions/LanguageSelector/default.php on line 84

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: buildlangarray() in /home/catavino/public_html/forum.foro/extensions/LanguageSelector/default.php on line 87

    what did I do? Thanks for putting up with the dumb question
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    Hi all: I'm getting the same errors as ryanopaz:
    Notice: Undefined property: Context::$LanguageSelectorArray in /home/.xxxxxx/jrpg/ on line 84

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function buildlangarray() in /home/.xxxxxx/jrpg/ on line 87
    Same lines. This is a first install, and I'm using Vanilla 1.1.4, and trying to get Japanese to work.

    I get the above error when I click on my Account page and click on "Languages". It immediately gives the above instead of a lang select area.

    I followed all the instructions in the readme, including adding the include lines to all the noted appg "init*.php" files.

    Is it incompatible with Vanilla 1.1.3/1.1.4?

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    @ryanopaz, Andy K, and all users getting the errors reported in the preceding post (and repeatedly before):
    These errors show up when the LanguageSelector/LanguageSelector.php include in not correctly included. Either you did not patch appg/init_*.php files or you made a typo, or inserted the line at the wrong place.
    Once again, the right place is below the $Context->StartSession(); and before the language includes.

    I tested it OK in 1.1.4
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    1. isn't it possible to make Mark and other Vanilla core developers to implement some standard nice and clean way allowing install extensions without core hacks?

    I would recommend to create an empty /path/to/vanilla/conf/init_language.php and in /path/to/vanilla/appg/init_*.php to have:
    // DEFINE THE LANGUAGE DICTIONARY include($Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'].'conf/init_language.php'); include($Configuration['LANGUAGES_PATH'].$Configuration['LANGUAGE'].'/definitions.php'); include($Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'].'conf/language.php');
    instead of:
    // DEFINE THE LANGUAGE DICTIONARY include($Configuration['LANGUAGES_PATH'].$Configuration['LANGUAGE'].'/definitions.php'); include($Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'].'conf/language.php');

    the conf folder is editable by Vanilla itself so it would be possible to install the necessary code there by extension self.
    I'm already adding some code to conf/language.php by an extension but I think if there is more extensions altering conf files code, then I could write an extension managing install/uninstall code into conf/*.php files (except settings.php, extensions.php and database.php)

    You think it is possible to convince the Vanilla team? :) I really don't like core hacking :)

    2. I need LanguageSelector to allow to set multiple languages and with a drag&drop list able to specify a priorities of languages loaded.
    I'm going to alter your code and add this functionality there as an option.
    Are you interested and open to add my patches and doing a release?
    Or should I upload it as a new extension? :-)
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    I'm sure open to your patches.
    Still, I don't get you point of several prioritized languages. It's for extension not available in UI language?

    BTW. i edited my post in your other thread because some chars got mangled by the html filter :

    I'm adding a post to bugtracker to link to your suggestion.
    Also, regarding loading of translation, didi you see my old post where I suggested a policy for loading extension translation :
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    Thanks! Check this post. There is a summary of my thoughts :-)
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    Hi, this add-on works great. Thank you. But there is one problem: when I am not signed and I choose the language in the language box, I get the error message: " Some problems were encountered The requested discussion could not be found. " But this problem is only, when I am in a discussion. At the front page it works fine. What did I wrong? Thank you.
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