Panel Lists

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Panel Lists


  • Someone noticed bug.
    Fix was posted, later forgot.
    It is remembered.
  • Uploaded version 1.2 of Panel Lists.

    Fixes the bugs mentioned by WallPhone (thanks for the patch, WallPhone!).
    Fixes a few bad dictionary references.
    Changes the extension to use Context->SetDefinition instead of explicit dictionary definitions.
  • Can I set the default preferences for the users? Is the preferences saved in Database?
  • I believe there's now a new extension which allows you to set global preferences for all users..
  • Is the following HTML supposed to show up in the source even when a user isn't logged in?:

    <form id="frmBookmark" action=""><div class="Hidden"><input type="hidden" name="OtherBookmarksExist" value="1" /></div></form>

    I'm also seeing it here (in the source) on the Lussumo Community even when I'm not logged in. Is this a bug? Or is it supposed to be there?
  • in anything but the default theme, the bookmarks list doesn't look right. (it's like a string rather than a list or something...)
  • *bump*
This discussion has been closed.