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RSS2 Feed

RSS2 Feed
This add-on is a sore spot for me. I don't really know much about xml or rss feeds, so I just kind of winged it. If someone else wanted to give this a shot or even take this add-on over, I'd be happy to pass it along.
So I look in the default.php and it says: "You should cut & paste these language definitions into your
conf/your_language.php file (replace "your_language" with your chosen language, of course):
I don't have a conf/your_language.php. But I have a conf/language.php. So I paste the code there. Still nothing.
I'm thinking that the "replace "your_language" with your chosen language" is the missing piece, but I have no idea where the your_language is and what to replace it with. I'm sure this is a simple semantic thing I'm missing. Can someone be so kind as to help me out?
I started to catch some old requests (auth feeds, mod_rewrite support...) but I'm not clear with the actual state of 'RSS feed', 'ATOM feed' or 'CrudeRSS'. Please help me and register to the Assembla project!
Is your problem solved?
maybe this string would work better
Note:I had problems with the contact.php page of the NoWhereBlog.
Could you send a link to feeds that behaves to good way?
This is the main cause (line 136 of default.php):
if ($SearchType == "Topics") {
The RSS feed will only work if the search type is 'Topics'. The search type can actually be 'Topics' *or* 'Discussions', depending on whether you go through the search page in advanced mode or not. In advanced mode it is 'Discussions'.
The fix is simple:-
Line 136:
if ($SearchType == "Topics" || $SearchType == "Discussions") {
also line 123:
if ($SearchType == "Topics" || $SearchType == "Discussions" || $SearchType == "Comments") {
-- Jason