Participated Threads

NickENickE New
edited December 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Participated Threads


  • Has somebody tested this add-on with the newest version of vanilla?

    Doesn't seem to work ...
  • It's actually running here... it should be near the top of the panel, under Discussion Filters: Participated Discussions.
  • Hi, I had to hack this addon to be able localize it. This is a diff default.orig.php default.php:

    15c15 < $Context->Dictionary['ParticipatedThreads'] = 'Participated Discussions'; --- > $Context->SetDefinition('ParticipatedThreads', 'Participated Discussions'); 26,27c26 < $DiscussionFilters = 'Discussion Filters'; < $Panel->AddList($DiscussionFilters, 10); --- > $Context->SetDefinition('DiscussionFilters', 'Discussion Filters'); 29c28 < else $DiscussionFilters = $Context->GetDefinition('DiscussionFilters'); --- > $Panel->AddList($Context->GetDefinition('DiscussionFilters'), 10); 31c30 < $Panel->AddListItem($DiscussionFilters, $Context->GetDefinition('ParticipatedThreads'), --- > $Panel->AddListItem($Context->GetDefinition('DiscussionFilters'), $Context->GetDefinition('ParticipatedThreads'),
  • ah yeah...

    *adds to todo list when he gets back to his own computer
  • Uploaded version 1.3.1 of Participated Threads.
  • Just a note, there's a spelling error for the extension name, therefore the updates and reminders aren't working properly for v1.3.1.

    The name has been mispelled as "Particpated Threads" needs to be "Participated Threads" obviously, other than that no other problems observed.
  • Uploaded version 1.3.1 of Participated Threads.
  • hmm, not sure hot that happened...
  • This doesn't work if you are using the DefaultPage extension.

    Because it is linking to, DefaultPage may be set to Categories.php (as mine was) and those QueryString Params are just ignored...
  • the same for me, I've got a default page created with PageManager ext. and when clicking the Participated Threads link sends me to the default page :(
This discussion has been closed.