Extension Name: Applicant Email Verification Extension Url: http://getvanilla.com/ Description: Add a verification of the email to registration. Version: 0.4.0 Author: Dinoboff Author Url: dinoboff at hotmail dot com
Changelog: * Version 0.4.1 * Fix a bug in the default role display on the registration page (Thanks to Alnokta for finding the bug)
Vanilla 1.1 Updater hence does not recognize that update has been installed. Fix:
Change default.php to read
Extension Name: Applicant Email Verification Extension Url: http://getvanilla.com/ Description: Add a verification of the email to registration. Version: 0.4.1 Author: Dinoboff Author Url: dinoboff at hotmail dot com
Changelog: * Version 0.4.1 * Fix a bug in the default role display on the registration page (Thanks to Alnokta for finding the bug)
Whenever someone applies, the resulting screen that comes up is not displaying the support email address - that area is blank.
I've checked the language part of this extension, and the lines are as follows:
$Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ForMembership'] = 'You should soon receive an email from
'.$Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL'].'. Follow the instructions it describes to activate your membership.
If you cannot find this email in your mailbox, check your "junk mail" or "spam trap" folder.';
$Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ForApplicationReview'] = 'You should soon receive an email from
'.GetEmail($Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL']).'. Please follow the instructions it describes to validate your
email address. If you cannot find this email in your mailbox, check your "junk mail" or "spam trap" folder).<br />
Once your email address has been verified, your membership application will be reviewed by an administrator. If your
application is accepted, you will be contacted via email.';
Any ideas on why the support email address isn't being pulled in and displayed on the page?
it should work on 1.1.1 (It is working on 1.1.2 as well without the patch). However it won't show on the Membership Applicants page if an applicant has got is email verified or not.
Having trouble getting the patch the work for 1.1.2. The legend is showing up on the side panel but no X or check next to applicant's name.
By "edit "/themes/settings_applicants_form.php" line 37" to "$this->DelegateParameters['Applicant'] = &$Applicant;" do you mean add the line at 37?
Like the following:
$this->DelegateParameters['ApplicantList'] = &$ApplicantList;
$this->DelegateParameters['Applicant'] = &$Applicant; // added
Also, I am getting a CSS error on the stylesheet. It ends with:
"#frmApplicants ."
Hmm... with Vanilla 1.1.4, it seems that every once in awhile, I still have to "approve applicants" even though I have the new user role set to "member". Turning the extension off and then on again fixes the problem, but its a little annoying. Any ideas??
I'm only guessing but if the setting uses a cookie to remember between sessions, the cookie might be set to expire in say 3 days, after which it zaps itself. Turning the extension off and then on again fixes the problem because it sets a new cookie.
Like the "remember me" option when logging in, at least once a month this cookie resets itself.
Cookies that are set to be permanent have an expiration date of say 2099!
It shouldn't be a cookie problem. There should be a number of entries in conf/settings.php that control the extension. The relevant one here, I'm guessing, would be $Configuration['APPLICANT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_ON'].
cid499, you've confirmed that the extension works some of the time? Just to clarify, it works for a period and then "turns itself off"? I would guess something is effecting conf/settings.php... or less likely, conf/extensions.php. Next time it happens, check to see if the above setting is still set to '1'. Also try and note if any significant events, like changing some extension settings or running specific functions, occurred prior to the bug.
Change default.php to read
I've checked the language part of this extension, and the lines are as follows:
$Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ForMembership'] = 'You should soon receive an email from '.$Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL'].'. Follow the instructions it describes to activate your membership. If you cannot find this email in your mailbox, check your "junk mail" or "spam trap" folder.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ForApplicationReview'] = 'You should soon receive an email from '.GetEmail($Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL']).'. Please follow the instructions it describes to validate your email address. If you cannot find this email in your mailbox, check your "junk mail" or "spam trap" folder).<br /> Once your email address has been verified, your membership application will be reviewed by an administrator. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted via email.';
Any ideas on why the support email address isn't being pulled in and displayed on the page?
Depends which default role you pick for the new members: applicant, they still need approval, member and they doesn't.
Like the "remember me" option when logging in, at least once a month this cookie resets itself.
Cookies that are set to be permanent have an expiration date of say 2099!
Posted: Friday, 15 February 2008 at 6:05AM
cid499, you've confirmed that the extension works some of the time? Just to clarify, it works for a period and then "turns itself off"? I would guess something is effecting conf/settings.php... or less likely, conf/extensions.php. Next time it happens, check to see if the above setting is still set to '1'. Also try and note if any significant events, like changing some extension settings or running specific functions, occurred prior to the bug.