How Might You Go About This?

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So far, on my forum (uncommon dialogue) all I have edited are the css files. I'm kinda scared to go further than that.

However, I need to make this element containing three images sit in the main discussion area (so I guess in the index.php) right above the discussion topics...kind of like this for example.

As you can see, the three images are made in simple html...not even an external CSS sheet for them. That's just because the element is so small I don't really feel i need to do much more work than this to make something that seems so simple. In the future, I may work on an extension that makes the image area more dynamic, but right now I'm ok as long as I can get this code in there somewhere.

I have tried and tried and I've looked at all the documentation but I still can't make sense of how to introduce something entirely new to the forum like this. I know a bit about php, but vanilla is over my head (and really really well done might I add).

Can someone give me some direction as to how you might put this in the index.php of the site? A simple include doesn't look like it will work.

THANK YOU for any help.


  • An include should work fine, the hard part would be to find the correct extension object to insert the include statement in the appropriate place.
  • Can't wait for templating to be done! I never thoguht much of templating until i started using it on my latest project... Code totally separate from design... Awesome... Perhaps u shd wait 2 weeks for the new vanilla with templates!
  • Yeah I'm freaking pumped about it Sprockett. The problem is, I do have to have this thing fuctioning before two weeks from now...even though I'll probably totally update it as soon as the new version comes out. Ehh. By the way...will all of the css editing i've done so far be effected at all by the new version? I know he's changing file heirarchy around a bit...but i really don't want to lose the progress i've made so far.
  • Surprisingly enough (to me, atleast), assuming you stick with the standard vanilla 'theme' when you upgrade, your existing styles will work fine. As for the problem at hand, sorry, i have no surefire ideas without being able to look at the files and follow (as i would at home)
  • So from what we know about the upgrade (cross your fingers) coming soon, how do you think what I want to do (adding some images to the forum index) will be more easily accomplished? How will this templating system help? I've read a bit about the upgrade here but I just want to make sure I'm not getting my hopes up for something I may not be able to do. All your help is really appreciated. And mark, this forum is amazing. -JT
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