Best smtp / sendmail utility for WAMP (windows, apache, mysql php) + Vanilla?

sprockettsprockett New
edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My WAMP testbox currently doesnt have an smtp server/email. Any recommendations on a small free robust SMTP server to use so i can hook up my vanilla to it via sendmail? I googled for some, but came up with crap shareware smtp servers. Im sure there must be some robust one that can support bulk mailing as well.


  • Email servers are incredibly complex things. They're not my forte but in my experience theyre one of the most difficult things you can setup on any sort of box. IIRC though, isnt there some sort of mail server built in to windows? It depends what version you're using. I'm pretty sure my s2k3 box at home has a basic mailserver on it but i could be wrong. Which windows are you using?
  • im on XP PRO sp2... I havent messed around wiht IIS though... Im currently doin PHP 5.0, apache 2.0, mysql 4.1...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    IIS SMTP is a breeze to setup. Seriously.
  • for real! Please enlightenme, does IIS come with xp pro? I always assumed it only came with like win 2003 /server etc...
  • i just installed it in like 5 minutes. it rocks. thanks a billion. gotta hook it up to my php mail() now...
  • how do you hook things up to the php mail() function?.. i have postfix... but i can't find the 'wrapper' i need for it.... :-(
  • hmm php mail function actually pretty much works by default.. just make sure in your PHP.INI under the MAIL SETTINGS, u set the smtp server = localhost (assuming u are hosting the smtp IIS on ur local pc). After that, just cut and paste the mail() example in the docs, and it works! blazing fast might i add...
  • ah blast it.... compiling everything yourself always gives room for errors..... argh..... now my Postfix won't even send emails.... :-( Well, i figured out how to install apache, php and mysql really easily, so I guess i'm gonna just reintall my os and start over again... :-( (happens a lot to me)
  • XAMMP has a mailserver. Bitey has spoken, all hail bitey!
  • Not for mac: The distribution for Mac OS X contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP & PEAR, SQLite, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, GD, Freetype2, libjpeg, libpng, zlib, Ming, Webalizer, mod_perl, eAccelerator, phpSQLiteAdmin.
  • I did think that mail() worked pretty much straight out the box but then all the servers i've ever used php on had mailservers anyway so i didnt know if i'd just assumed it had. And yeah, i often find that when you're doing something for the first time, if you can blag your way through setting it up once, it's usually nice to format and start clean and try and do a better job of it :)
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