What I love about vanila..

sprockettsprockett New
edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
What i love about vanilla is this: Totally new paradigm in forum software. Everything rite now is basically clones of each other. Vanilla is totally revolutionary in its approaches to: Forums/Subforums: Love the categories, so much more intuitive!!! No more distinction btw PM and Message Reply: Whispers are ingenius. It basically allows u both the standard PM (by setting up aprivate discussion) as well as PM (connected to a thread). Its so much more elegant to combine it all as private comments, rather than have separatePM and message reply. Of course, the ultra intuitive well thought out interface. Its addictive to use. The perfectly located "START A NEW DISCUSSION" is just pure genius. Mark, if i had a billion bucks, i'd buy u a ferrari just coz ur awesome.


  • Course if you're slightly short of a million bucks, you could always donate something smaller anyway... No pressure though, i'm sure he's just as glad you're here checking out, using, and heavily praising his little baby (seriously) - i'd be pretty pleased about it. Welcome aboard. Never look back to the dark side.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Of course I'm open to donations. If you've got as many hits coming to you as you say, the best payback I can think of is for you to link Lussumo from one of your sites. I can't ask for more than that.
  • let it be noted that if mark cant ask for more than that and one day you become a millionaire, i'll take the ferrari!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Actually, that goes for everyone. If you like Vanilla, spread the word about it :)
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